Missing records?
I explained a while back about how information collected on the ABCgrower mobile App is passed through staging tables when it is uploaded to the website. The records are checked for errors before they are passed to the relevant data tables. If any records are in error the uploaded batch is held in the staging table. Examples include double scanning of a unique bin number and scanning a worker who has been marked inactive.

What’s new?
The red notification icon shows when there are records being held in error, with the number on the notification telling you how many records there are. |
What do I do with them?
Records are automatically processed every few minutes. It’s possible for records to be in the staging tables but not in error if they’ve just been uploaded but not yet processed. In this case you can click [Re-process] to push them through if you like.
If there are records in error there will be a message to tell you what’s wrong. You can delete a record by clicking the adjacent rubbish bin icon. Then you can click [Re-process] to push any remaining records through (or wait for them to auto-process). Remember to re-enter the corrected record via the the appropriate page (e.g. Activity > Worker Activity) if necessary.