After hunkering down over the winter months there’s blossom on the trees and we can feel the energy in the ramp up towards another season. We’ve been busy with off-season projects and enjoying our newly renovated offices.

ABC takes on Aussie
We are thrilled to introduce our first team member in Australia – Business Development Manager Grant Apperley. New Zealand born and Brisbane-based, sports mad Grant is fluent in both Kiwi and Aussie! Give him a call on +61 428 625 091, he’d love to meet you.
The Jenkins Group
Last year we partnered with the Jenkins Group; a New Zealand family-owned business since 1883 who provide solutions and servicing to the horticulture industry. Jenkins have a business network throughout Australasia, including J-tech Systems in Australia.

Necessitated in part by flooding after Cyclone Gabrielle, we have recently completed renovating our offices in Hawkes Bay. As well as refreshed décor we have shuffled the desks and the team are enjoying the new layout.
Behind the scenes
ABCgrower upgrade
Led by ABCgrower guru Aidan Smith, the team have been upgrading the framework on which ABCgrower sits. This is a major project to ensure ABCgrower’s on-going efficiency and users will enjoy a new interface with up-to-date branding. Watch this space!


Pay pruning per piece
With the FWO changes to the Horticulture Award many growers have put piece rates in the too hard basket, but there are still many advantages so long as you have the right tools for the job.

The biennial Western Australian Horticulture Update (WAHU) event brings all areas of horticulture together. This year’s theme will focus on how to implement practical technology innovation and applications to improve horticultural practices from the grower to consumer. Grant and Sharon are looking forward to being there.
Meet the Team
Josh Ferkins
Hailing from Gisborne, Josh joins us on an internship in his final year of a Bachelor of Computer Science degree, majoring in systems development. The EIT internship programme is a win-win for our students and our business.

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