Grow IT – February 2024

Blueberry punnets


The cherries may have finished, but the apples have started, and the berries haven’t stopped! It’s all go here at ABC as we support our existing clients and welcome several new packhouses onboard. Read on to see what else we’ve been up to.


Sharon Chapman



Weather – that’s extreme! 

Only six weeks into 2024 and we’ve had clients experience cyclones, flooding, storms, and extreme heat. Our thoughts are with all of you affected by adverse weather events this year. With the anniversary of the cyclone that devasted our own region upon us, we are acutely aware of the difficulties some of you are facing.


Our new cloud-based product ABCquality is currently in the testing phase. ABCquality runs standalone or can be integrated into ABCpacker. You could be one of the first to use it, and with that comes the ability to influence the future of the product, by telling us firsthand what’s hot, and what’s not. Contact us to find our more.

ABCquality on a tablet

Latest Enhancements

ABCspray Upgrade

ABCspray was designed for multiple users, with different roles, doing different steps. Our clients have told us that in practice it’s usually one person that creates and completes the instructions. Based on that feedback, we have made some changes to make ABCspray easier to navigate.

The way you move through the process is more intuitive, including the option to skip a step (should you not require it). We’ve also had a spruce up in some areas to make it cleaner, clearer, and easier to follow.


Rolling along nicely in your packhouse?

Still running on spreadsheets? Sure, you might say, why not? Let’s sum it up three words: Visibility. Traceability. Efficiency. Don’t believe us? Click the link below for some food for thought.


Packing oranges

Meet the Team

Chase Reddy

We welcome Business Development Manager Chase Reddy to the ABC Software team. Chase comes to us from the Brisbane Markets so he knows a thing or two about fresh produce (and about early starts!). Interested to know how ABC Software can help you grow? Give Chase a call on +61 461 504 010.  


Australian Citrus Congress

Australian Citrus Congress

The Australian Citrus Congress is just around the corner, will you be there? Come by the ABC Software stand and grab a complimentary produce bag, we’d love to see you!



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Grow IT – December 2023

Christmas citrus

Seasons Greetings

Wishing you all a happy and prosperous holiday and harvest season! Many thanks to those working tirelessly to bring delicious fresh produce to our Christmas tables. We’ve been helping more growers and packers bring efficiencies to their businesses and are excited for what 2024 will bring. 


Sharon Chapman


The ABC Family

We’ve enjoyed building our relationship with our Jenkins Group whanau (extended family). Some of the Kiwi contingent got together recently, including representatives of Jenkins Freshpac SystemsCR Automation and Sinclair labels, and Sharon has been visiting the J-Tech team at their Albury base.


The ABC team are making great progress on developing a SaaS (cloud-based) version of ABCpacker. ABCquality is due for release in Q1 2024 and will be available as a separate offering or can be integrated into ABCpacker. If this could benefit you, contact us to find our more

ABCquality on a tablet

Latest Enhancements

Planned piece rates

Setting Piece Rates

You can now set your piece rates in advance with Planned Piece Rate. The piece rate is automatically applied when the Worker Activity is recorded. You can still change it after the fact if need be. You can now see the worker’s earned hourly rate in real time via Live Productivity on ABCgrower App.

Not only a convenient way to set piece rates, it’s also another way ABCgrower helps you use your information to drive productivity.   

Available now for all ABCgrower clients at no extra charge, simply add the Role to your User profile. 

My Timesheet on ABCgrower App

My Timesheet is like Worker Time but pre-selects the logged-in user. Great for permanent staff to enter their time on the go, without need for an internet connection.

You can create Activity records in bulk on ABCgrower Web using the details from the workers’ Intra-Day Time records. Work smarter, not harder. 

Available now for all ABCgrower clients at no extra charge, just add the Mobile Application permission to User profiles.



Is Piece Work Really Dead?

Word on the street is that paying piece rate in Australia is no longer legal. What do you think? 


Meet the Team

Marc Jenyns

Marc wrote the book (or the software at least) used on the orchard and in the packshed of one of Hawke’s Bays’ premium apple growers.  The latest addition to our fantastic team of software developers, Marc not only comes equipped with the right skills and experience, he’s also a great chap to have around! 

Marc Jenyns


Australian Citrus Congress

ABC are excited to be part of 2024 Australian Citrus Congress to be held on the Sunshine Coast in March. It’s the first time Citrus Australia are combining the Market Outlook and Technical Forums into one event and it’s set to be a great one. The theme is Driving Profitability and ABC have plenty to offer in that space! We would love to see you there.



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Is Piece Work Really Dead?

Piece rate payment has long been a popular form of remuneration in horticulture. A piece worker’s pay is based on the quantity they pick, prune or pack. Piece workers have the potential to earn much more than they would on an hourly wage. It’s worth every cent to the growers and packers whose livelihood depends on getting produce picked and packed as quickly as possible, over what is often a short harvest period.

How the Horticulture Minimum Wage Has Changed Things

Such was the reaction to the introduction of a horticulture minimum wage guarantee for pieceworkers in Australia in 2022, many believe it is no longer legal to pay piece rates in Australia. The calculations are complicated and the record-keeping requirements considerable, but so long as it is in compliance with the Horticulture Award, it is most definitely still legal.

A minimum wage guarantee for piece work has been required across the ditch in New Zealand for some time, and piece rate payment remains widely used in horticulture. Perhaps Kiwis are more used to it, after all New Zealand was the first country to implement a national minimum wage. ABC Software is headquartered in New Zealand, and we already had tools to accommodate the minimum wage guarantee locally. That’s not to say there weren’t a few long days ensuring we put together a watertight solution to ensure our Aussie friends could meet their obligations!

Complying with the Horticulture Award

So, piece rates are legal, but are they dead? Many growers and packers threw them out believing the cost of minimum wage top up payments and compliance considerations would make them unviable. Good horticulture-specific software such as ABCgrower is essential to make it work. It does the hard yards for you and delivers accurate pay information and audit-ready reproducible reports. Even those that made the rules (I’m looking at you FWO!) recommend using software and not trying to go it alone. 

The Benefits of ABCgrower

One of our growers stuck with piece rates after the introduction of the horticulture minimum wage guarantee, in large part because of having ABCgrower with its tools to manage piece rates already on hand. Such is the strength of belief in the death of these rates in the industry they decided to shift to hourly wages for the second harvest since the legislation changes. Both payment mechanisms fall under the Horticulture Award, and both have their pros and cons. 

With hourly wages comes overtime liability (ABCgrower takes care of these calculations too!). What this grower was left with was a wage bill considerably higher for the harvest paid on hourly rates, than the harvest paid on piece rates. This was due primarily to the overtime bill greatly outweighing the top up bill, as well as the efficiency advantages this form of payment can bring. They are now firmly in favour of the advantages of piece rate! 

Increase Your Efficiency Today

With labour contributing in the region of 70 percent of harvest cost, piece work definitely shouldn’t be thrown out because of the Horticulture Award changes. Piece rates are a tool in an industry where efficiency has become king. Piece work isn’t dead. It’s very much alive and well. 

Find out how ABCgrower can help your business effortlessly comply with the Horticulture Award pay rates in 2024. For more information on any of our software, contact us today and see the difference these programs can make for your business.

“Using ABCgrower for us has benefitted the business in the sense that we can see where our costs are.”
Johnny Milmine, General Manager
Berry Farms NZ

Information Automation to grow your knowledge and grow your business

ABC Software founder Sharon Chapman spoke on Information Automation at Hort Connections 2023; Australia and New Zealand’s largest horticulture conference and trade show.

Learn what information automation is – it might be a lot simpler than you think!  Sharon considers the attitudes towards, and use of, digital technology in horticulture.  She discusses how and what information can be captured on a farm and the opportunities to enhance productivity from the insights this data delivers.

Information affords knowledge, which affords efficiencies, which affords growth.

“Using ABCgrower for us has benefitted the business in the sense that we can see where our costs are.”
Johnny Milmine, General Manager
Berry Farms NZ

Grow IT – August 2023

ABC Software offices


After hunkering down over the winter months there’s blossom on the trees and we can feel the energy in the ramp up towards another season. We’ve been busy with off-season projects and enjoying our newly renovated offices. 


Sharon Chapman

ABC takes on Aussie

We are thrilled to introduce our first team member in Australia – Business Development Manager Grant Apperley. New Zealand born and Brisbane-based, sports mad Grant is fluent in both Kiwi and Aussie! Give him a call on +61 428 625 091, he’d love to meet you.


The Jenkins Group

Last year we partnered with the Jenkins Group; a New Zealand family-owned business since 1883 who provide solutions and servicing to the horticulture industry. Jenkins have a business network throughout Australasia, including J-tech Systems in Australia.



Necessitated in part by flooding after Cyclone Gabrielle, we have recently completed renovating our offices in Hawkes Bay. As well as refreshed décor we have shuffled the desks and the team are enjoying the new layout. 

Behind the scenes 

ABCgrower upgrade

Led by ABCgrower guru Aidan Smith, the team have been upgrading the framework on which ABCgrower sits. This is a major project to ensure ABCgrower’s on-going efficiency and users will enjoy a new interface with up-to-date branding. Watch this space! 


ABCgrower login


Pay pruning per piece

With the FWO changes to the Horticulture Award many growers have put piece rates in the too hard basket, but there are still many advantages so long as you have the right tools for the job.




The biennial Western Australian Horticulture Update (WAHU) event brings all areas of horticulture together. This year’s theme will focus on how to implement practical technology innovation and applications to improve horticultural practices from the grower to consumer. Grant and Sharon are looking forward to being there.


Meet the Team 

Josh Ferkins

Hailing from Gisborne, Josh joins us on an internship in his final year of a Bachelor of Computer Science degree, majoring in systems development. The EIT internship programme is a win-win for our students and our business. 

Josh Ferkins


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Pay pruning per piece

Pay pruning per piece

With the FWO changes to the Horticulture Award many growers have put piece rates in the too hard basket, but there are still many advantages so long as you have the right tools for the job. Purpose built software will take care of the complex calculations required under the Award, as well as providing traceability to who has pruned what, not to mention keeping on top of your budgets. You can’t control the weather, but labour costs blow outs are a nasty surprise you can avoid.

ABC Software’s labour management software, ABCgrower, comes inclusive with a module created specifically for collecting non-harvest activities by piece. The Worker Allocation module allows you to assign one or more workers to a row and record the number of trees or vines each worker has pruned. You have visibility to who is where, what has been done, and what is left to do, at all times. When you perform quality checks you know who pruned the tree/vine.

Designed for use on the ABCgrower App, which works without an internet connection, means you can capture information anywhere on the farm without concern about being in internet range. Information is uploaded to the website when a data connection is available and synchronised across all devices.

Information-rich records give visibility to workers productivity, and if you measure, you can manage. See how your workers are performing, make decisions in real-time, and keep on top of your labour costs. Then use this season’s data to better plan for next year. Smart Berries Australia Agronomist and Assistant Farm Manager Sally Jolly says “We got real time data that very quickly showed us how fast people were working. It made day-to-day forecasting much, much easier.”

With ABCgrower’s highly flexible system you can pay piece rate or pay hourly, or record by piece and convert to an hourly payment with an optional bonus incentive. You do it your way while ABC does the calculations. Managing Director of Widem Farming Wim van Niekirk choses ABCgrower to help pay piece rate saying “You can show the workers exactly what they’ve done, how much they’ve earned, what their friends have done, and they realise they got so close to making extra money. The productivity the day after goes through the roof.”

ABCgrower also offers tools for collecting harvest information, again collecting by piece means a wealth of information; and you can assess the productivity of your workers and your plants. As well as bin/container inventory management with traceability to who picked what. Up-to-date productivity and block cost reports are always on hand at the click of a button.

Another valuable tool in ABC’s shed is their digital spray diary, ABCspray, which can be used in conjunction with ABCgrower or stand-alone. It supports spraying, fertiliser applications and fertigation. Compliance ready reporting is always available and again, ABC takes care of the calculations – so you can get growing.

The FWO rule changes have made paying piece rates for pruning challenging for growers, but the challenges can be taken out of your hands. Good software not only does the hard work but affords operational efficiencies which means direct returns to your bottom line.

Aussie’s on notice: Do the right thing, or else…

Getting a fine

Aussie’s on notice: Do the right thing, or else…

18 months into their agriculture strategy, the Australian Government Fair Work Ombudsman continues to investigate businesses for non-compliance. To date inspectors have issued 64 Infringement Notices for pay slip and record-keeping breaches, with fines totalling over $176,000. 55 of the notices were issued to labour hire companies with the remaining nine to growers. The Government is now considering national labour hire regulation.

It’s positive that compliance is higher where growers employ their staff directly, however where they do engage labour hire companies, they’re not out of the firing line. Growers must protect themselves by ensuring their labour hire companies are also compliant. “It’s a red flag if workers can’t identify their employer and are paid cash-in-hand, without pay slips, by individuals seemingly unrelated to the apparent employing entity. This is prevalent in multi-level supply chains where we consistently find wrongdoing.” says Fair Work Ombudsman Sandra Parker. 110 investigations are ongoing, many of these related to the pieceworkers’ minimum wage guarantee. 

Citrus Australia CEO Nathan Hancock voices the concerns in his sector where labour costs are skyrocketing. This is due to the cost of recruiting inexperienced workers, minimum wage top up payments and administration costs. He notes “These rising costs would be bearable if there was a corresponding increase in productivity”. Increases in productivity are possible, but to achieve this growers must consider information automation. With visibility to real-time productivity growers can take action in actively managing their workers. Users of ABCgrower, ABC Software’s labour management software, report significant gains in efficiencies and cost savings.

In fact, the calculations and record-keeping requirements have become such that it’s not viable to manage without purpose-built tools. Horticulture-specific software does minimum wage calculations, provides the tools for competency compliance and allows growers to accurately set piece rates. Uptake of software is on the increase, as Ms Parker notes “During our inspections we’ve had growers show us their sophisticated software that tracks productivity and ensures Horticulture Award compliance.”

Being an ethical and responsible employer is not just the right thing to do, Ms Parker’s message is clear “With unannounced hot spot inspections continuing this year and next, growers and labour hire entities are on notice. They may get a visit from Fair Work Inspectors very soon – and we will take enforcement action where appropriate.” Contact ABC Software to see how labour management software can protect against FWO non-compliance and help increase productivity.

Taking your spray diary online

Spraying trees

Taking your spray diary online

The old adage of “it’s not broke, don’t fix it” is out-of-date in today’s landscape where every opportunity for automation and increased efficiency should be explored. Ditching the paper in favour of an electronic spray diary is one such opportunity.

By taking your spray diary online you get accurate and timely information, calculations done for you, and no missing information or transcription errors from double entry or illegible handwriting! Enter your information once only and use it everywhere.

With ABCspray you can enter or access data anywhere on any device with an internet connection. ABC Software’s founder Sharon Chapman says “Your information is stored securely in the Cloud so there is no need to worry about backups or lost records. Having records available at the click of a button means no more searching for paper records.” Reports are reproducible at any time.

ABCspray holds sprayer calibration settings, water rates and application rates. Whether you accept your default rates, or make changes on the fly, the calculations are done for you. Flexible yet accurate software means you can worker smarter, not harder.

Good software will allow you to record all information required for compliance and this is underpinned by the information security provided by user access permissions, secure data storage and greater transparency. ABCspray supports you to meet your compliance requirements while remaining flexible. As Ms Chapman says, “we provide you the tools, you choose what information to record, according to your business requirements.”

A Consumables Management module is included with ABCspray at no extra cost. Chemical usage is recorded automatically, and you can track your chemicals and any other stock item by quantity and location. Multiple storage locations are supported, and you can carry out stocktakes online.

ABCspray sits within ABC’s worker management software, ABCgrower, and when used together it can automatically create timesheet records for your spray operators, and agrichemical costs are included in block cost reporting. “It’s made things heaps easier in the office; a life saver is how it’s been described” says Smart Berries farm manager Sally Jolly. There is no need to enter data into different systems, it increases reliability, and you can stay in one system to get information to make informed decisions. It also means having a relationship with one company.

ABC have a reputation for great customer service, summed up by Fresh Produce Group support analyst Megan Rogers, “Your team is such a pleasure to work with”. While paper might seem the cheap option, with the ease of use, time saving and record-keeping efficiency that software affords, ABCspray will save you money.

Who’s your best picker? Who’s thinned the most trees?

Who’s your worst picker? Who’s thinned the most trees?

Did you know you have visibility to your team’s productivity on the ABCgrower App? Always up-to-date, see the quantities being achieved and who your best and poorest performers are.  Use this information to make on-the-spot decisions.  

Available for any piece rate activity where Intra-Day times are collected – harvest, thinning, pruning and more!  

How to see Live Productivity on the ABCgrower App

  1. Tap Live Productivity on the main menu.
  2. Tap Activity Type and choose from the list. You will be able to select any piece rate activity for which records have been entered today.
  3. You can filter by Site and Block/Variety if you wish.
  4. Tap Search to view by Worker.  You will see the workers, their quantity and quantity per hour.
  5. Rotate into landscape mode to also see start time, last record time and total activity time.
  6. You can tap any column header to sort by that column. Tap again to reverse the sort order.
  7. You can also see the results by Work Crew. Turn on Show by Work Crew toggle before tapping Search.
  8. With the device in portrait mode the results show the work crew, number of workers, and quantity per hour.  Rotate into landscape mode to also see total activity time.
  • The results show the information recorded on your device. To see information from other devices as well, go to Live Productivity on ABCgrower Web.

Live Productivity on ABCgrower Web

You can also view Live Productivity on ABCgrower Web.  The search filters and reporting is the same as for ABCgrower App, however the results are a combination of information uploaded from all devices as well as information entered directly into ABCgrower Web.  Live Productivity is found under the Reports menu.

The existing Productivity report remains available.  Use this report to search a particular date range and for additional options.

Mistakes in Intra-Day Records?

Missing records?

I explained a while back about how information collected on the ABCgrower mobile App is passed through staging tables when it is uploaded to the website.  The records are checked for errors before they are passed to the relevant data tables.  If any records are in error the uploaded batch is held in the staging table.  Examples include double scanning of a unique bin number and scanning a worker who has been marked inactive. 

What’s new?

We’ve moved the staging tables out of the various menus into their own Mobile App menu.  The staging tables you can see depends on the modules your organisation uses and your user permissions.

The red notification icon shows when there are records being held in error, with the number on the notification telling you how many records there are.

What do I do with them?

Records are automatically processed every few minutes.  It’s possible for records to be in the staging tables but not in error if they’ve just been uploaded but not yet processed.  In this case you can click [Re-process] to push them through if you like.

If there are records in error there will be a message to tell you what’s wrong.  You can delete a record by clicking the adjacent rubbish bin icon.  Then you can click [Re-process] to push any remaining records through (or wait for them to auto-process).  Remember to re-enter the corrected record via the the appropriate page (e.g. Activity > Worker Activity) if necessary.